March 18 General Strike

On March 18, our ltalian section, USl-AlT, along with CUB and SI Cobas will hold a general strike for one day, with national demonstrations in Milan and Naples. The strike protests:

*Against the war and any military intervention of Italy, in Libya or anywhere else;
* Against the Jobs Act, which frees dismissals and fosters precariousness among workers;
* Against agreements and laws limiting the freedom of trade union association, granting a monopoly to trade unions acknowledged by bosses and the government, against restrictions to the right to strike;
* Against separation into company and individual contracts, for national collective bargaining;
* For wage increases and decent wages for the unemployed and precarious workers;
* Against unemployment, for a reduction in working hours with no wage loss;
* For the free circulation of people and equal rights to immigrants.

The strike is also called:

*against the counter-reform of education, which takes resources away from public schools to give them to private ones, and offers bosses students’ free labour;
* for the right to a home against evictions, for the assignment of vacant council and private houses to the homeless;
* against the profit rationale which produces pollution and environmental devastation.

The 18 March strike is a first step towards the unification of struggles, now isolated within single sectors and companies, for the formation of a common class front in defence of workers against the internal and external war waged by bosses and the government.



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