On the 4th of March a week of activities began with a march on the A2 highway initiated by the workers of la Muñoza, 12 kilometers from the airport of Bajaras. More than 1000 comrades congregated at the gates of the New Industrial Zone and more than 3000 arrived at the airport (Terminal 4) after going through the Cargo Terminal and the Old Industrial Zone.
The Delegation of the Government had prohibited them from entering, especially at departures, but hundreds of other workers were inside waiting for the march, so after some clashes and jostling with the riot police, they figured that it would be a better idea not to deal with some 5000 people in the middle of the airport and let the workers occupy the place for about 3 hours.
During the rest of the week there were bicycle, motorcycle or car demonstrations in different places. On Wednesday there was a protest at Velázquez 130 (headquarters of Ibera management), On Thursday there was a demonstration from the headquarters of Iberia to the Ministry of Development, with good attendance, more than could be expected on a rainy day and upon circulating the proposals of the “mediator”, which some of the spokespeople from the mainstream unions gave as acceptable, people went out on all four lanes of la Castellana Avenue and on the patio of the entrance to the Ministry.
This segund week of mobilizations ended on March 8 with a new occupation of Terminal 4 in Barajas airport by around 2000 people, despite the fact that it was prohibited again by the government.
CNT Union Section in Iberia
Translated from www.cnt.es
Photo: C. Martin