Fed up with oppression. This is how one could briefly describe yesterday‘s protest, which commemorated the two people from the queer community who were murdered on 12th October in Bratislava, as well as the systemic context of oppression. Powerful speeches and the overall energy of the protest, full of anger, rage, grief and humour, created an atmosphere that we have never seen before in Slovakia.
It was great to see that the organisers chose not to make the event for the media in order to make themselves look nice. The speeches were mostly radical and very articulate about the problems that the queer community faces on a daily basis and that the causes are society-wide.
Speeches should be available in English in the FB event of the protest soon: https://www.facebook.com/events/614490940412268.
Among many picket signs there were also those of Priama Akcia:
“Fighting together, fighting for ourselves”
“Your child can be queer, too”
“We will not forget”
“Another world is necessary”
In solidarity!
Priama Akcia union
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See also PA statement published on 13 October:
It is difficult to find the words to express our anger and sadness after yesterday’s attack. In these difficult moments, we are thinking of the people that are most affected.
However, we will not allow such an act to halt our efforts to build a society in which we can live in dignity and freedom, regardless of our gender or sexual orientation.
We are aware that change cannot be achieved by economic struggles alone, but must go hand in hand with furthering of values and relationships that move towards diversity and equality.
Queer community faces specific and multifaceted oppression in workplaces and schools, on the streets and in families. Let yesterday’s attack be a reminder that we still have a lot of work to do and that such acts cannot ultimately paralyse or stop us.
Priama Akcia union
Source with photos: https://priamaakcia.sk/A-demonstration-we-have-never-seen-in-Bratislava-...