On the 9th of October , the company OHL, one of 4 responsible for the cleaning service of the streets in Madrid, decided to fire our comrade Ángel, who had worked at this job for more than 10 years without any problems. The firing came after tensions when the companies that provide cleaning services planned mass dismissals. The CNT, which fights against dismissals, could not accept this and is fighting for the reinstatement of the comrade.
Several pickets have been held in Spain to demand the reinstatement of the comrade. Some Sections of the IWA where OHL is present also supported this struggle by making solidarity actions at OHL's foreign offices. Priama akcia visited the office in Bratislava, delivering a protest and declaring its solidarity. ZSP did the same in Warsaw and in Wroclaw. More actions are planned against the company which, despite having good profits, dismisses workers.