OZ Dive maky is an NGO in Bratislava. Priama akcia is taking action to protest wage theft in the organization. Michal worked in the NGO for almost a year and a half, on a fake self-employment contract, because the NGO did not want to make health and social security contrabutions. A few months ago, M. decided to leave and they signed an agreement terminating their "cooperation". The NGO recognized that it should pay him 950 euros, but haven't paid it yet. M. tried many times to get his money. Finally, Priama akcia visited the NGO, demanding payment. lnstead of paying what was owed, the NGO's lawyer threatened them.
Priama akcia is calling on individuals and organizations to support the efforts to get M.'s long overdue pay.
There is an e-mail form on their webpage, which you can use to send a protest.
It already contains the template, just click on the English flag, fill in your details and captcha and submit by clicking on "Odosla". It is possible to change the text in the e-form, if you like.
People can also send faxes or emails. A sample letter can be found below.
Fax: +421 2 5244 4074
Please inform us about the faxes you sent.
E-mail: divemaky@divemaky.sk
Please put our e-mail address ba@priamaakcia.sk in the BCC of your e-mail.
Subject: In support of the former worker of OZ Dive maky
I am writing to protest against the actions of the administrator of OZ Dive maky Barbora Kohutikova, who refused to pay the contractual remuneration in the amount of 950 € to the former worker Michal R. I think the administrator is directly responsible for the solution of this situation. If the remuneration is not paid up, I will inform as many people as possible about this case.
OZ Dive maky, is it worth gambling with the reputation of your organization and the fates of the children you support? Settle the dispute as soon as possible by paying up for the work of your former worker, which contributed to the fulfilment of your aims. Doing charity work does not give you a right to do whatever you want with your contractual obligations.
I express my support to Michal R. and the campaign aimed at getting his remuneration.
[Name, Organization, Country]