Those of us who are part of Solidaridad Obrera - AIT in the Valparaíso Region are in a process of anarcho-syndicalist agitation, organizational development, incorporation of new militants, and the establishment of our own space.
Our organization was constituted, in the first instance, by those of us who were members of the SROV Valparaíso; taking part in the protests due to the environmental pollution that affects the communes of Quintero and Puchuncaví, and in the social outbreak that since 2019 has mobilized the entire population of the country, demanding better living conditions.
From the beginning of that year we got in contact with the Germinal Group of Concepción, a friendly group of the International Workers Association (AIT), and we jointly requested our incorporation to the International, now with the name of Solidaridad Obrera - AIT .
Today we have proposed to establish ourselves as the Valparaíso Various Trades Union, which brings together those of us who work in fairs, industries and businesses in the Region.
Through an Introductory Workshop on Anarcho-Syndicalism, the new members of the Union can have access to information that allows them to face the struggle with the necessary tools to achieve their objectives, in a fraternal environment, where collective knowledge is shared.
Since our incorporation to the AIT we have grown steadily, in order to reach more communes in our Region, working in a federative and fraternal way with Solidaridad Obrera - AIT de Concepción, raising campaigns at the regional level that allow anarcho-syndicalism to grow, and project it from the South to the whole world.
Valparaíso Various Trades Union
Workers' Solidarity - AIT
Valparaíso Region, October 9, 2021.