The anarchosyndicalist union considers that the unemployment data, released yesterday, are the desired result of the politics of cuts and dismissals made by different governments and through European institutions.
CNT believes that the EPA data, released yesterday, show the effects of the actual policies being promoted, and that produces the desired result of the multiplication of layoffs and the systematic destruction of jobs. The anarchosyndicalist union claims that the official discourse on job creation is simply a justification for more cuts in workers' rights, casualization and the dismantling of public services and policies in favor of the interests of management and banks.
For the CNT, 6 million unemployed people only confirms the irrational character of an economic system which prioritizes benefits for the bosses and banks as opposed to the necessities and welfare of society. An economic system which neglects necessities such as education, health care, care professions, while people with the capacity, will and knowledge to satisfy these needs are left without resources.
CNT accuses the bosses and the government of failing to stop to promote unemployment as a way to impose worse salaries, more precarious working conditions and to roll back decades of workers' struggle, spreading fear amongst the working class.
The CNT has called for a day of action on February 15 in which it calls on unemployed workers to participate since it considers that nothing can be expected of governments, for which work serves only as a slogan for electoral campaigns and publicity. Similarly, for anarchosyndicalist, we can expect little or nothing from institutional unionism, accomplices in reduction plans and layoffs, which, for years, have made unemployment a business together with the bosses, through subsidies for the scam of job training and orientation.
CNT thinks that only through mobilization and self-organization of unemployed workers can we asset radical means against this situation, working for the division of work and wealth, moving towards a change in the system using means which are opposite to those currently promoted:
- Reducing the working day;
- Lowering the retirement age;
- Prohibiting overtime and piece work;
- And a guarantee of dignified and sufficient benefits for each unemployed worker.
Secretariado Permanente del Comité Confederal CNT-AIT
prensa@cnt.es / 618 450 411
C/Historiador Domínguez Ortíz, 7 local. Córdoba