Since the beginning of the economic crisis, the CNT has defended the general strike as the main tool of the working class against the attacks carried out by the banks and the bosses.
We reject the negotiation where the unions called on the government to ease the labour reform after the general strike of March 29. In the same way we have rejected the approach of the so-called social summit, to eliminate only the most flagrant excesses of the PP government, maintaining the core of the economic and political system that has put us in this situation, as well as its attempts to divert and delay the social response with useless proposals like the demand for a referendum.
The hard social situation demands a strong response, one which will grow and continue, which will break the ties with the political and economic system in which it originated, which it benefits and which is complicit with it.
After months of hesitation, the CCOO and the UGT will call general strikes on November 14, dragged into it on the one hand, by increasing social unrest and mobilizations in the streets and on the other, by the continued anti-labor measures of a government at the service of financial elites and employers with no intention of conceding even the crumbs that allow institutional unionism to justify their role.
CNT has agreed to call a general strike for November 14 and we will do this in our own way, with our own demands. We say that this strike is necessary but is not sufficient and we call for it to go beyond the sterile and frustrating scenario of the institutional unions that people have become accustomed to.
Our challenge will be that this strike strengthen the will to struggle and self-organize of growing layers of the working class, building the ability to push new calls and protests globally and across different sectors.
We call on the strike of 14N with desire for continuity. Convinced that in order to confront the elites and the European financial institutions and their puppet governments, it is necessary not only to promote class unity beyond the artificial boundaries of national borders, starting with the strike of 14N, but to also break with the format of strikes that is far from being sufficient to address these policies.
Our challenge is to be able to go beyond 24-hour strikes isolated in time, beyond the stopping activity in traditional industries and sectors, to find ways to interrupt the whole process of production and consumption, to incorporate the entire working class in the mobilization, a working class which is precarized and divided. Being able to do the most damage to the economic interests of the corporate and financial elite is the main objective of the general strike.
We call on trade unions and anticapitalist social movements to work overwhelm and to give continuity to the strike of November 14. To take to the street.
Making a general strike has become more than a slogan; our goal is that it become a real tool of struggle and on November 14 we have to take the next step to make it happen, with all our strength, because much is at stake.
From: www.cnt.es
Translation: http://www.zsp.net.pl