The Heinrich Böll Foundation is closely affiliated with Germany's Green Party, which has positioned itself against outsourcing and temporary work. That turns out to be a farce when you look at the Heinrich Böll Foundation's practices. Temps working there make less money than if they were employed directly and the workforce has been split between those with contracts and without. And after temps started organizing themselves, their entire agency was kicked out. We are thus calling for an international week of action against outsourcing and union busting by the Green Party's Heinrich Böll Foundation.
For years, outsourcing and especially temps have been a favorite tool of German bosses to put pressure on the workforce, circumvent labor rights and skimp on wages. Both the Green Party and Heinrich Böll Foundation criticize the precariousness of labor condition and call for a minimum wage of 8.50 Euro/hour in the current election campaign. But the Heinrich Böll Foundation has been outsourcing cleaning, catering and event management for years, thereby contributing to precarious labor themselves – some of their temps don't even make the minimum wage the Green Party is calling for.
Workers there who joined the FAU Berlin and made this scandalous state of affairs public in May are no longer welcome at the Heinrich Böll Foundation, who conveniently decided to change temp agencies to rid themselves of the problem. In Germany, employers cannot normally kick out workers so easily, but thanks to outsourcing the Heinrich Böll Foundation had an easy time of it: If the temps raise their voice, we'll change the contractor. We call what the Heinrich Böll Foundation is doing union busting and demand that they give those they kicked out permanent contracts with standard wages.
We are calling for an international week of action from September 2 to September 9, 2013. The Heinrich Böll Foundation has offices in many cities around the world (see the map). Tell the Heinrich Böll Foundation to rehire those they kicked out. On September 5, Berlin's labor court will decide whether one of the Heinrich Böll Foundation former temps will get a permanent position there: The Heinrich Böll Foundation has to abandon its outsourcing policy, hire the guy along with the other temps and pay standard wages!