The International Workers Association (IWA) organizes Action Days on April 29, 30 and May 1. The Actions are International and against Capitalist Austerity Measures, Exploitation, and Oppression with focus on Global, Regional and Local issues/ work conflicts etc. The International Workers Association (IWA) is convinced that workers must fight against the Capitalist Austerity Measures, Exploitation, and Oppression by Direct Actions and International Solidarity. The IWA Sections are run by the workers themselves and without paid “functionaries", they do not class collaborate and won`t receive financial subsidies from the capitalists and the state.
The only path to emancipation for us as workers is to take control of our own struggle: A struggle that is directed against and outside of class collaborationist structures and that through Direct Action and Solidarity confronts and defeats Capitalism and establishes Libertarian Communism!
Long live workers International Solidarity!
Long live the IWA and Anarchosyndicalism!
Oslo, April 10- 2013
IWA - Secretariat