The capitalist rule is “expand or die”, and the crisis is revealing a system that is more and more desperately directing its attacks against the working class: Around the world we see mass layoffs and measures against the unemployed and poor, flexibilization of the labour market, union busting and dismissals against union activist, etc
This can`t go on and direct actions, propaganda and solidarity that are based on our own strength are needed. It is because of this the IWA organizes International Days of Action against Job Cuts, Dismissals and in Support of the Struggle of Unemployed People will be held from Monday June 17 to June 24!
The Sections and Friends will focus on local issues and also Urgent Actions of Solidarity that are going on in multinational companies. We will mention that unions/union Sections of the Spanish CNT-AIT have made appeals to support the fights against the lay-offs at Alstom Wind, dismissals at the company Capgemini and a dismissal of a worker at Esymo Metal- Gestamp.
Contrary to the reformist unions, the International Workers Association (IWA) rejects integration into the capitalist system which is the root of misery of the working-class. The IWA was founded 90 years ago, and already at the founding Congress of the IWA in Berlin at the turn of 1922, it made resolutions against the unemployment which was dividing the working-class.
It was stated that the problems can`t be solved within the capitalist system. But to reduce it they recommended shortening of the working hours, and later the IWA Congress in Liege (1928) initiated a world campaign for a 6 hour working day.
Capitalism is an automatic machine that over and over again makes crisis, unemployment, wars and exploitation: So we appeal to speed up the fights against Job Cuts and Dismissals and Support the Struggle of Unemployed People!
Oslo, June 15- 2013
Anarchosyndicalist greetings,
IWA- Secretariat
IWA-website: www.iwa-ait.org
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/iwa.ait