On May 1 a demonstration went through the center of Wroclaw, under the slogan "Poland – Special Exploitation Zone". The slogan was an allusion to the Special Economic Zones set up in Poland, especially ones near Wroclaw, which are infamous for their scandalous working conditions. ZSP Wroclaw organized an anarchist blok in this demonstration, supported by activists of the CRK social center.
Before the demonstration, members of ZSP Wroclaw went into fast food establishments which were open, including McDonalds, and gave out leaflets to the workers.
About 200 people took part in the demonstration, which shouted slogans like "Enough terror of the bosses”, "Capitalism is cannabilism" and "Don't tighten your belt, tighten your fists".
Along the route there were different speakers. Members of ZSP stopped the march in front of a temporary work agency (Work Service) and told about the problems of temporary workers and about the problems of workers sent abroad, about the need for international actions and solidarity and about our actions in this respect. Members of ZSP also reminded people on the march of the origins of the May Day holiday. The new issue of the ZSP newspaper, "Zapłata", was also distributed.