In this issue you can read news about the strike made by comrades in Dresden, about direct actions in an employment agency made by ZSP and many other actions made by the Sections of the IWA. Download it and share with friends!
As the screws tighten on workers' movements and social protests, we are witness to an increased repression. People who have taken part in protests and strikes are being arrested and otherwise repressed. Comrades from Spain were arrested in various actions, comrades in Brazil face jail sentences and being declared an „illegal union”. At the same time, many comrades face dismissals and lawsuits for their workplace actions. Comrades in San Carlo hospital have lost a ridiculous suit by administrators and face heavy sanctions. Likewise comrades from ZSP must fight in court against a hospital administrator accused of sexually harrassing some workers.
In this time of repression and increased mobilization of the capitalists against workers' rights, we must remember that solidarity is our greatest weapon!
In this issue of the IWA Bulletin, you can read about some of the cases of repression against our comrades. There are also reports of various struggles which our Sections are involved in.
The comrades in Dresden have gone on strike to protest dismissals at the Trotzdem Bar, where they formed a union. Comrades in Poland are involved in organizing agency workers and a boycott of one supermarket chain. In Spain, the comrades of CNT continue the actions against Santander Bank and call for a new International Day of Action on March 6.
These are just some of the things you can read about in this issue of the External Bulletin. We hope you enjoy!
IWA General Secretary