The day of action called by the International Workers Association on March 6th finishes with dozens of protest actions in 13 different countries. CNT and IWA demand the reinstatement of the worker dismissed from Isban and Panel Sistemas because of denouncing the trafficking of staff.
IWA anarchist worker unions showed, once again, that working class solidarity has no borders.
Thousands of leaflets were distributed around the world, hundreds of posters and stickers were stuck, hundreds of protest faxes and e-mails were sent, dozens of branches of the Bank were visited, numerous pickets were organized, banners informing of the conflict were hung and other boycott actions were carried out.
Solidarity Federation (SolFed) did several actions in England in places like Brighton and Newcastle.
In Argentina, FORA (Federation Obrera Regional Argentina) organized a concentration in Neuquén Capital.
In Germany, FAU unions (Freie Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter-Union) organized protest actions in Berlin, Cologne, Dresden, Erfurt, Jena...
AIT-Secção Portuguesa (IWA portuguese section) did pickets in Lisbon and Porto.
Polish ZSP (Zwiazek Syndykalistow Polski) picketed at the doors of Santander Bank central offices in Varsaw.
Confederação Operária Brasileira (COB) carried out picketing in Brasil in cities like Araxa.
In Uruguay, anarchists spread the conflict at the central branch of Santander Río in Montevideo.
In the United States of America, a protest took place at a branch of Santander Bank in downtown Philadelphia.
IWA sections in places where there are no offices of any of the companies involved in the conflict, sent their demands by fax and e-mail. That was the case of norwegian NSF (Norsk Syndikalistisk Forbund), russian KRAS and slovak PA (Priama Akcia).
Also in France, Clermont-Ferrand anarcho-syndicalists sent communications to Emilio Botín and Santander Bank, Isban and Panel Sistemas managers.
CNT unions also did numerous pickets in the Spanish state in places such as Albacete, Barcelona, Donostia, Gijón, Granada, Guadalajara, Madrid, Jerez, Ontinyent, Oviedo, Rivas, Sabadell, Sagunt, Salamanca, Santa Perpetua, Santander, Tarragona, Vigo...
At the end of this article, we keep on receiving news about actions in solidarity like the ones organized in Málaga on March 6th and Gijon on March 10th.
In August 2013, the CNT-AIT section in Isban publically denounced illegal trafficking of staff from Panel Sistemas to Isban, IT services company owned by the Santander group.
This provokes the concealed dismissal of the union delegate, precarious worker illegally outsourced, wich is trasferred from Isban to the "meat trader" company Panel Sistemas. There he suffers harrasment from the board until he is definitively fired on last March 3rd 2014.
Revolutionary unions federated in the International Workers Association, have responded to the attack, demanding the reinstatement in Isban-Banco Santander of the dismissed worker where the multinational has its headquarters. Conflict has been spread worlwide in 12 different languages.
Isban has a network of companies, "meat traders", that provide cheap and precarious labour force for Banco Santander. It has more than 10,000 workers illegally outsourced from other companies, who can be fired at any minute without cost since they are not considered the bank's own employees.
Panel Sistemas is one of dozens companies making profits of illegal outsurcing for big "clients" engaged on massive steady job destruction such as Isban.
Workers are afraid they would be fired at the slightest protest, which causes them to accept surreal working hours, overtime and obligatory transfers, working schedules on behalf of the company, employment categories and salaries below the work performed...
Hundreds of irregular dismissals in the Santander group have mainly hit the most unprotected workers, with complicity of the government and yellow unions. Meanwhile, Santander group's net profit has risen up to 4,370,000,000 euros in 2013, almost doubling that of 2012.
Emilio Botín, Rodrigo Rato, Alfredo Sáenz, Jose María Amusátegui, and other high rank executives in Banco Santander have been accused of crimes before and even found guilty in first instances. But there has never been justice, thanks to legal chicanery such as famous "doctrina Botín".
Some of their most known outrages include continued tax evasion, irregular purchasing of banks such as Banesto or Totta and the collapse and later bailout of Bankia, multi-million severance packages for managers, the case of the Swiss bank accounts of the Botín family, sale of junk mortgages and assets, evictions and real estate speculation, charging of abusive interest rates, shady dealing with universities, participation in arms companies or in financial management of the terrible penitenciary system. A long list of crimes unpunished to date.
We will not shut up or resign ourselves. While there is exploitation and inequality we will stand up, united peers without subsidies or leaders. Fighting for our dignity and emancipation. Towards Social Revolution.
Sección sindical en Isban y Panel Sistemas
Sindicato de Telecomunicaciones y Servicios Informáticos
CNT-AIT Madrid
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