Cuando participamos en las huelgas climáticas de 2019, no podíamos imaginar que otras protestas se paralizarían por la pandemia. Y cuando la pandemia llegó, parecía que, con el aparente declive de algunas industrias, el estado del planeta mejoraría, al menos mínimamente. Pero resulta que en realidad estamos peor de lo que pensábamos. Los dos últimos años han confirmado que, si hay alguna esperanza, los cambios necesarios tendrán que abordar las verdaderas causas de los problemas. Y mucho más que tocar.
When we took part in the 2019 climate strikes, we couldn’t imagine that further protests would be paralysed by pandemic. And when the pandemic came, it seemed that, with the apparent decline of some industries some, the state of the planet would improve, at least minimally. But it turns out that we are actually worse off than we thought. The last two years have confirmed that, if there is any hope, the necessary changes will have to address the real causes of the problems. And much more than just touch.
Below you will find an annual recap of our activities during the year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Parliamentary elections and pandemic-related campaigns, solidarity actions, two new publications on workplace struggles and anarchosyndicalism, International Week Against Unpaid Wages in Slovakia and abroad. And more.
Am Freitag, den 25. bis Sonntag, den 27. Juni 2021 hat das IAA-Plenum und der außerordentliche Kongress stattgefunden. Wegen der Einschränkungen aufgrund der Covid-19-Pandemie wurden beide Treffen online organisiert und nicht in persona in Bratislava, wie es ursprünglich geplant war. Den meisten der in der IAA Zusammengeschlossenen (Sektionen und FreundInnen) war es möglich teilzunehmen. Da sie online stattgefunden haben, wurden unsere Treffen nicht von repressiven Regimen und Reisevisas behindert.
On Friday 25th to Sunday 27th June 2021 the IWA Plenary and Extraordinary Congress took place. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions both meetings were organised online, not in-person in Bratislava as was initially planned. Most of the IWA-AIT affiliates (Sections and Friends) were able to attend. Since it was online, our meetings were not interrupted by repressive regimes and travel visas. In the report that follows we summarise what was discussed and how Priama Akcia as the host Section of the IWA-AIT evaluates the meetings.
On Friday 25th to Sunday 27th June 2021 the IWA Plenary and Extraordinary Congress took place. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions both meetings were organised online, not in-person in Bratislava as was initially planned. Most of the IWA-AIT affiliates (Sections and Friends) were able to attend. Since it was online, our meetings were not interrupted by repressive regimes and travel visas. In the report that follows we summarise what was discussed and how Priama Akcia as the host Section of the IWA-AIT evaluates the meetings.
Durante la tercera semana de octubre (del 12 al 18) tuvo lugar la primera Semana Internacional contra el Impago de Salarios. Fue establecida por la Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (IWA/AIT) para subrayar el fenómeno de los salarios impagados y tratar cómo podemos luchar de manera anarcosindicalista.
During the third week of October (12th-18th) the first International Week Against Unpaid Wages took place. It was established by the International Workers’ Association (IWA/AIT) to highlight the phenomenon of unpaid wages and how we can fight it in the anarchosyndicalist manner. The IWA secretariat, Priama Akcia (PA) and other unions wrote their statements regarding the topic.
Durante la tercera semana de octubre (del 12 al 18) tuvo lugar la primera Semana Internacional contra el Impago de Salarios. Fue establecida por la Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (IWA/AIT) para subrayar el fenómeno de los salarios impagados y tratar cómo podemos luchar de manera anarcosindicalista.
During the third week of October (12th-18th) the first International Week Against Unpaid Wages took place. It was established by the International Workers’ Association (IWA/AIT) to highlight the phenomenon of unpaid wages and how we can fight it in the anarchosyndicalist manner. The IWA secretariat, Priama Akcia (PA) and other unions wrote their statements regarding the topic.