We live in a society where we have to work for money to survive. We need money for food, housing, education, healthcare but also for culture, recreation, leisure activities etc. Often, we struggle to cover all our costs, so when we aren’t paid for our work at all, the consequences are drastic for us and the people who rely on us. In response to this widespread phenomenon the International Workers’ Association (IWA) decided to set the third week of October as the International Week Against Unpaid Wages.
A Workers 'Solidarity Initiative (WSI) é um grupo de jovens do Paquistão, que visa divulgar os princípios, táticas e objetivos do anarco-sindicalismo entre os trabalhadores deste país.
La Laborista Solidara Iniciato (WSI) estas juna grupo el Pakistano, kiu celas konigi la principojn, taktikojn kaj celojn de anarki-sindikatismo inter la laboristoj de ĉi tiu lando.
La Iniciativa de Solidaridad de Trabajadores (WSI) es un grupo joven de Pakistán, que busca dar a conocer los principios, tácticas y objetivos del anarco-sindicalismo entre los trabajadores de este país.
The Workers Solidarity Initiative (WSI) is a young group from Pakistan, which seeks to spread the principles, tactics and aims of anarchosyndicalism among the workers of this country.
Le Workers Solidarity Initiative (WSI) est une jeune groupe du Pakistan, qui cherche à faire connaitre les principes, tactiques et finalités de l’anarchosyndicalisme auprès des travailleurs de ce pays.
Le monde entier observe avec inquiétude la situation au Bélarus. Le
soulèvement de la société biélorusse contre le gouvernement autoritaire
se développe et se manifeste de différentes manières. On peut observer
non seulement des manifestations de masse, mais aussi des grèves qui
unissent des travailleurs de différentes professions, exprimant la
colère de la classe ouvrière locale contre la tyrannie. Nous espérons
que les grèves se transformeront en grève générale, qui conduira au
renversement du dictateur Loukachenko.
When we face a problem at work and think about how to solve it, more often than not we face difficulties. Sometimes we manage to work them out quickly, other times it can be really demanding or even more than we can handle. Still, it’s almost always true, that it is easier when there’s more of us and we act together. Therefore we reach out to you – to everyone who wants to actively solve problems in the workplace and share their experience. Let’s help each other.
Até o momento, diferentemente do que aconteceu com o H1N1 em 2009, muitos de nós, trabalhadores da saúde, não receberam nossa doação de máscaras de FFP2 necessárias para tratar pacientes.
Embora o Estado tenha dois meses para acumular reservas dessas proteções tão necessárias, parece que não fez nada.