Predvolebné obdobie býva často o hádkach. Nielen medzi politikmi, ale aj v rodinách, v školách a na pracovisku. Stojí to však za to? Skúsme sa radšej rozprávať o tom, čo nás spája. Čo spolu dokážeme. Ako môžeme zlepšiť naše pracovné aj životné podmienky. Ako pomáhať iným. Ako nadobudnúť takú silu, aby nás nikto nemohol ignorovať.
V prvej polovici novembra 2015 sme vyšli do sporu s občianskym združením Divé maky o nevyplatenú odmenu pre bývalého pracovníka Michala, ktorý sa nám ozval so žiadosťou o pomoc. Po vyše dvoch mesiacoch máme dobrú správu – Michal dostal 22.1.2016 celú dlžnú sumu vo výške 950 € na svoj účet. OZ Divé maky proti Michalovi a nášmu zväzu celý čas používali vyhrážky, ohováranie a zastrašovanie, no nepomohlo im to. Taktika protestných a priamych akcií sa ukázala byť účinná. Ďakujeme všetkým, ktorí šírili informácie o spore a vyjadrili Michalovi podporu.
On this May Day 2019, the International Workers Association sends greetings to all workers in struggle. The fight against exploitation and for the dignity of the working class remains a strong aspiration of workers around the world. From the IWA we would also like to remind the world of our goals of regaining control over our lives, of wrestling the work places out of the control of those with wealth and power. In order to create the egalitarian society to which we aspire, all things must be run by the workers and society directly, always with the goal of striving for the real well-being of all those who really make the world run and liberation from the miseries of Capitalism and the State.
Our struggle must be global because none of us are truly free as long as the harsh inequalitites typical of capitalism exist, where workers slave away in many parts of the globe, to enrich others and provide for millions who enjoy the products of their greatly devalued labor. The IWA sends its warmest greetings and support for those around the globe who have joined our struggle and we hope that the revolutionary spirit will grow in new places in the years to come.
En este Primero de Mayo de 2019, la Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores envía saludos a todos l@s trabajadores en lucha. La lucha contra la explotación y por la dignidad de la clase trabajadora sigue siendo una fuerte aspiración de los trabajadores de todo el mundo. Desde la AIT también nos gustaría recordar al mundo nuestros objetivos de recuperar el control sobre nuestras vidas, de luchar para el trabajo fuera del control de aquellos con riqueza y poder. Para crear la sociedad igualitaria a la que aspiramos, todo debe ser manejado directamente por lxs trabajadores y la sociedad, siempre con el objetivo de luchar por el bienestar real de todXs aquellXs que realmente hacen correr el mundo y liberarse de las miserias del capitalismo y del estado.
Nuestra lucha debe ser global porque ninguno de nosotros es verdaderamente libre mientras existan las desigualdades severas típicas del capitalismo, donde lxs trabajadores se esclavizan en muchas partes del mundo, para enriquecer a otros y proveer a millones de personas que disfrutan los productos de su labor tan devaluada. La AIT envía saludos y apoyo a todxs en el mundo quienes se han unido a nuestra lucha y esperamos que el espíritu revolucionario crezca en nuevos lugares en los próximos años.
Always conscious of the origins of the March 8 holiday, the ZSP participated in protest actions in Warsaw and in Wroclaw, calling all the time for strikes and other direct action against exploitation and all forms of discrimination and domination.
In Warsaw comrades participated in the 20th annual women's demonstration called Manifa. It has often participated but sometimes critically, against aspects of positions which are not in line with our perspective. This year was the same critical perspective, but it was noted that the worst (neo) liberal and bourgeois feminist factions have abandoned this demonstration, thus making it have at least a more leftist character with more space for social politics. Many people welcomed a more radical perspective, which is something that has been changing over recent years.
ZSP in Warsaw decided to address the fact that although the recent slogan of „women's strike” originated in Poland, there is no strike movement. We had long ago reacted critically to the use of the label „strike” to describe any protest action, which was how it was used and is often used here and insist that this cannot substitute real strike action for which fighting organizations are necessary.
Recién comenzado el año, la Sección de Feminismos de la CNT-AIT de Granada inició su campaña por la huelga general feminista de 24 horas. Hicimos intentos de sumarnos a la coordinadora andaluza pero nos desligamos de la coordinación local de la plataforma unitaria porque sus asambleas eran mixtas y nosotras llevamos una línea no mixta desde el principio, así que decidimos seguir por nuestra cuenta y hacer las cosas a nuestra manera.
Newly started the year, the Section of Feminisms of the Granada CNT-AIT began campaigning for a feminist general 24-hour strike. Initially, we tried to join the Andalusian Coordination but soon we left the local
coordination of the unitary platform because their assemblies were gender mixed and our line is not mixed from the outset, so we decided to continue on our own and make things our way.
For two months we'd covered the city with propaganda calling the strike and explaining the many reasons that assist women to protest against the patriarchal and capitalist system. We also have a section on "From the
Roots", a project of free radio that is broadcast on many free radio stations around the whole State. The program’s name is "In my hometown square” and, coinciding with preparations for the 8M strike, we have issued our own program on feminist struggle." Also propaganda cribs have been issued in favour of the strike and the actions around it.
Este 8 de marzo de 2019, en esta nueva jornada de huelga feminista, la sección de feminismos de CNT-AIT Granada saldremos a la calle y os invitamos a todas las mujeres y corporalidades no normativas a uniros.
Como anarcosindicalistas, creemos que la huelga tiene una potencia extraordinaria para visibilizar las desigualdades y para hacer temblar
el sistema de dominación al que nos vemos sometidas, ya que pone de manifiesto la relación de clases y la violencia estructural de manera evidente. El 8 de marzo no es una huelga al uso si no que es una huelga feminista que añade nuevas perspectivas de lucha y, evidencia aún más si cabe cómo las mujeres y las corporalidades no normativas ocupamos los puestos menos reconocidos y más precarios de la sociedad capitalista y patriarcal, sufriendo en nuestros cuerpos e identidades toda la violencia del sistema a todos los niveles.
Una jornada de huelga en la que todas paremos dejará clara la relación que existe entre el estado, el patriarcado y el capital y cómo la
explotación capitalista está estrechamente relacionada con la división de géneros, relegándonos a nosotras a las funciones reproductoras y de cuidados (sin las cuales el sistema no podría existir) y precarizando los trabajos tradicionalmente feminizados.
On this March 8th, on the occasion of this year’s Women Strike, the Feminist Section of the CNT-AIT Granada will go out to the streets again and are inviting all women and non-cisgender normative people to join.
As anarchosyndicalists, we see the strike as an extraordinary power to make the inequalities we face visible and to shake the system of
domination to which we are subjected, since it makes the relationship between the class system and structural violence obvious. The strike on March 8th will not be a common strike but a feminist strike, which adds new perspectives to our struggle and further evidences how women and the non-cisgender normative identities are the ones who deal with the lower and most precarious status within the capitalist and patriarchal society, and that we are the ones suffering, in our bodies and identities, all the violence of the system at all levels.
A day's strike in which all women stop work will make the co-relation between state, patriarchy and capitalism clear and also how capitalist
exploitation is closely related to gender division, relegating women to breeding and care jobs (without which the system could not exist) and
making the traditionally feminized jobs still more precarious.
Dopo l'articolo del settimo numero del giornale Fragua Socìal "Il paradigma della xylella fastidiosa" (pag 14-15), alcune sezioni del sindacato presenti nelle regioni recentemente colpite dall' "emergenza xylella" hanno preso subito l'iniziativa di contattare alcuni compagni della Puglia e di organizzare una serie di dibattiti con il principale obiettivo di far luce, di condivire informazioni ed esperienze, sull'oscuro trattamento e sulla gestione della cosiddetta emergenza xylella fastidiosa.
La buona accoglienza, l'interesse e la partecipazione avuta gratifica lo sforzo del nostro sindacato nella diffusione e nella pratica dei principi anarco-sindacalisti circa le problematiche dell'ambiente rurale.
Da Benissa ad Alcoi e Albacete si sono raccolte testimonianze ed esperienze dirette dei contadini e delle persone sensibili alla difesa integrale del territorio in cui vivono , che sono servite come primo contatto e che fanno emergere la necessità di un coordinamento popolare e indipendente , che includa sia la risposta locale che quella internazionale, attraverso le diverse possibili azioni di solidarietà e di studio della problematica.