The “Week” was established in 2019 by the International Workers’ Association (IWA) to highlight the phenomenon of unpaid wages and the possibilities to fight back using anarcho-syndicalist methods. From 10th to 16th October the IWA unions drew attention to this issue in various ways. In the following report we inform about activities in France, Poland, Russia and Ukraine, Serbia, Slovakia and Spain.
La “Semana” fue establecida por la Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (AIT) para remarcar el fenómeno del impago de salarios y la posibilidad de combatirlos mediante los métodos anarcosindicalistas. Del 10 al 16 de Octubre, los sindicatos de la AIT llamaron la atención sobre esta cuestión de diversas maneras. En el siguiente informe se informa sobre las actividades que se han llevado a cabo en Francia, Polonia, Rusia y Ucrania, Serbia, Eslovaquia y España.
Fed up with oppression. This is how one could briefly describe yesterday‘s protest, which commemorated the two people from the queer community who were murdered on 12th October in Bratislava, as well as the systemic context of oppression. Powerful speeches and the overall energy of the protest, full of anger, rage, grief and humour, created an atmosphere that we have never seen before in Slovakia.
Cases where people contact us about unpaid wages end in different ways. Sometimes they become an open dispute (mostly successful), sometimes the issue is resolved before open dispute, and sometimes the issue is not resolved at all or communication from the workers does not continue. The following article covers almost all the mentioned scenarios that we encountered since last year's International Week Against Unpaid Wages in various cities across Slovakia It is worth noting that most them were related to hospitality and almost all cases affected women.
Da li ti šef duguje pare? Da li želiš da učestvuješ u akcijama za poboljšanje uslova rada i mimo jedne nedelje godišnje i nevezano isključivo za pitanje neisplaćenih zarada? Onda nam se javi. Međunarodnu nedelju protiv neisplaćenih zarada pokrenulo je 2019. Međunarodno udruženje radnika i radnica (MUR), da skrene pažnju na fenomen neisplaćenih zarada i mogućnosti borbe protiv ovog fenomena anarhosindikalističkim metodama. Od 10. do 16. oktobra skretaćemo pažnju na ovaj problem na različite načine.
La Semana Internacional de Acciones contra los Salarios Impagos comenzó con una acción de ZSP en una tienda de conveniencia Zabka. La situación se refiere a una trabajadora que fue estafada de dos formas: al negarle el pago correcto por trabajar los domingos y días festivos y al realizarle deducciones ilegales de su salario. El monto total del robo de salario ascendió a 5688 zloties o 1170 euros. Fuimos con una carta para exigir que se pague ese dinero.
The International Week of Actions against Unpaid Wages started off with an action by ZSP at a Zabka convenience store. The situation concerns one worker who was cheated in two ways: by being denied the correct payment for work on Sundays and holidays and by having illegal deductions made from her salary. The sum amount of the wage theft amounted to 5688 zloties or 1170 euros. We went with a letter to demand that this money be paid.