We are happy to announce that, as part of the International Week Against Unpaid Wages, we prepared an English version of our pamphlet related to our workplace conflicts between years 2015 and 2019. The publication called "How We Coped with Problems at Work. Conflicts of Priama Akcia Union in 2015-2019" provides a detailed description of conflicts in all their stages. It contains photos from actions, interviews with the workers, leaflets and a short analysis of hospitality sector where most of the conflicts took place.
This was our fastest victory so far. It took just eight days from a collective delivery of a demand letter for the former veterinary hospital worker to receive the money in her account. Same as in our last case in 2019, we succeeded before the conflict went into the public phase, since the boss paid the amount owed within a deadline. We are thankful to all people who came out to support the worker during the letter delivery and wanted to join the planned solidarity campaign! In this article you will find more information about the conflict and an interview with the worker.
The situation of a de facto "sanitary dictatorship" and a ban on holding public demonstrations, like last year, force KRAS to refuse to hold any street actions, including within the framework of this campaign against non-payment of wages. In these conditions, we limit ourselves to disseminating information about conflicts related to non-payment of wages and about the experience of resistance and to promote the current international campaign.
In October 2020, ZSP published „Fighting Back”, a longer article detailing various examples of how the union has fought against different types of wage theft. (The article is available here in English: https://zsp.net.pl/files/ZSP-IWA-against-unpaid-wages-2020.pdf) The article was written to precede the International Week of Action against Unpaid Wages which the IWA held from October 12-18, 2020. It was decided to repeat the week of actions again, this time from October 11-17, 2021.
Gli anarchici e gli anarcosindacalisti della Russia salutano fraternamente i lavoratori d'Italia!
“(...) non siamo né per il governo della maggioranza, né per il governo della minoranza; né per la democrazia né per la dittatura. Siamo per l'abolizione del sistema di polizia” (Errico Malatesta, 1926)
Međunarodna nedelja protiv neisplaćenih zarada je uspostavljena 2019. od strane Međunarodnog Udruženja Radnika i Radnica (MUR), kako bi se ukazalo na fenomen neisplaćenih zarad i mogućnost uzvraćanja udarca anarhosindikalističkim metodama. Ove godine će se održati od 11. do 17. Oktobra. Vaše učešće je više nego dobrodošlo. Da li imate iskustva se neisplaćenim zaradama? Da li bi ste želeli da diskusiju o ovoj temi širite na ulicama vašeg kraja, kao i na društvenim mrežama?
Die Internationale Woche Gegen Unbezahlte Löhne wurde 2019 von der Internationalen ArbeiterInnen Assoziation (IAA) ins Leben gerufen, um auf das Phänomen von nichtbezahlten Löhnen und Gehältern aufmerksam zu machen sowie Möglichkeiten aufzuzeigen, sich durch anarchosyndikalistische Methoden dagegen zur wehr zu setzen. Heuer wird diese Veranstaltung von 11. bis 17. Oktober stattfinden. Deine Teilnahme dabei ist mehr als willkommen. Hast Du Erfahrung mit unbezahlten Löhnen? Würdest du dieses Thema gerne in deinem näheren Umfeld oder breiteren Öffentlichkeit verbreiten?
La CNT-AIT España reafirma su progresión territorial. Nuestro proyecto crece
silencioso, alejado del espacio que nos niegan los medios de comunicación.
Crecemos porque señalamos las causas reales de nuestros problemas y somos
capaces de crear alternativas, nuevos mundos a cada nuevo paso.
И снова защита земли стоила жизни новому вейхафе в Валлапу. Один из
членов одного из ОРТ Арауко Маллеко Кординадора -CAM- был убит
военизированной полицией, охранявшей лесохозяйственные операции
лесничества Мининко на дороге, соединяющей Транапуэнте с Карауэ, область
Это произошло днем в пятницу, 9 июня, после диверсии против добывающей
компании, в ходе которой они подожгли автобус, нефтяной танкер и
трелевочный трактор.